
Associate Professor Lisa Zhuoting Zhu

Lead Researcher, Ophthalmic Epidemiology

Associate Professor Lisa Zhuoting Zhu works on artificial intelligence in ophthalmology and the potential utility of retinal imaging in predicting important life events.

Associate Professor Lisa Zhuoting Zhu

Lead Researcher, Ophthalmic Epidemiology


Associate Professor Lisa Zhuoting Zhu is a Principal Investigator of Ophthalmic Epidemiology at the Centre for Eye Research Australia.

Her work leverages artificial intelligence and retinal imaging to detect sight-threatening conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration.

Further, she also exploits the potential utility of the retinal imaging – a simple, fast and non-invasive clinical procedure – to assess ageing and life-threatening conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, dementia and kidney failure.

The use of such a state-of-the-art technology in health-care system helps to increase access to life and sight-saving screening services and promote healthy ageing in the community, especially in remote regions and communities where people do not have access.

In recognition of her contributions, she was awarded the prestigious Victoria Fellowship in 2022, and she is currently the recipient of NHMRC Investigator Grant and Ramaciotti Health Investment Grant.

Key research questions
  • How can we assess ageing process using artificial intelligence and retinal imaging in primary care settings?
  • How can artificial intelligence powered screening red flags for life-threatening headache be applied in emergency department?

Current projects

Selected publications

My team

Key collaborators

Funding and support

Current projects

RetinaAGE as a novel biomarker of ageing and cardiovascular disease

Artificial Intelligence Powered Smart Camera to Screen “Red Flags” for Life-Threatening Headache at the Point-of-Care in the Emergency Department

Contact Associate Professor Lisa Zhuoting Zhu

Email: lisa.zhu@unimelb.edu.au

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