Synergy High Risk AMD Study

Our research team

CERA has assembled a team of world-class researchers to tackle the ambitious goals of the Synergy High Risk AMD Study.

Together, our research team will conduct the world’s most intensive study to determine what causes a high-risk form of AMD (RPD). Once the pathways are understood, novel approaches to intervening can be developed.

The team comprises clinicians and scientists at CERA, the University of Melbourne and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, as well as international research collaborators.

Our collective expertise spans bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, genetics, molecular biology, anatomy, stem cells and clinical ophthalmology.

Chief Investigators

For further information about the study, please contact:


Dr Carla Abbott
Synergy High Risk AMD Study Project Manager
Email: c.abbott@unimelb.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9929 8380