Our research

Research integrity

At CERA we are committed to the highest standards of ethical behaviour and research integrity.

Our standards

At the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) we strive to do the right thing and are committed to the highest standards of ethical behaviour and research integrity.

One aspect of ensuring that we continue to operate ethically and in accordance with applicable legislation and regulations is to encourage, facilitate and manage the reporting of concerns or complaints involving CERA research.

If you suspect that research misconduct has occurred or feel uneasy about something research-related you should feel empowered to bring this to CERA’s knowledge.

Make a complaint

CERA takes seriously all concerns, complaints, and allegations, including those that are made anonymously.

We ask that allegations be made in good faith, confidentially, and without malice.

Complainants will, as far as practicable, be kept updated about the process of investigating and responding to their complaints.

Note that if you have a concern about research conduct at another institution, it is best to directly go to that institution’s equivalent research integrity office.

Whispli is our tool for research integrity complaints and concerns.

However, you can also raise concerns by directly emailing CERA’s Research Governance Manager at cera-rgo@cera.org.au

View CERA’s Managing Potential Breaches of the Australian Code (2018) Standard Operating Procedure.